Join Us On FanTalk For A Chance To Win

When you operate a website that lucks into some popularity, like Vikings Territory has, your inbox gets flooded with all sorts of requests for promotions and advertising. Seldom do they match up with the goals of our site or provide any value to our readers, and so we mostly send them away without a deal.
Every now and again, however, something comes our way that does seem worthy of passing along to our readers and that is exactly the case with the new, free FanTalk app that is being spearheaded by friend-of-the-site and former Vikings reporter Frank Tadych.
FanTalk, available through your internet browser or in a super-slick app form for iOS users, is a way to create, join, and grow fan communities where the readers drive the conversation.
If you join the Vikings Territory club prior to the Super Bowl you will be entered into a drawing, courtesy of FanTalk, for a $25 gift card.
Again, FanTalk is 100% free and is a great way to keep up on all of your favorite sports teams, with a custom experience created for you by you. We sincerely hope you will check it out and let us know what you think!