Notes from the North: Special Guests AMarie and Erin Henderson

On the latest episode of Notes from the North, we are fortunate to have AMarie and Erin Henderson as our guests. Folks who have followed the team for at least a few years will remember Henderson from his days playing linebacker for Minnesota. He offered some really excellent insight on what the UDFAs are experiencing. They also offer some great opinions about the roster, draft, and Zim. They’re currently working on a podcast with Jamarca Sanford called Asked & Answered that you should check out.

Here is what Sam has to say:

“On this week of Notes from the North, the guys were joined by former Vikings linebacker Erin Henderson and AMarie Castillo. First down is a getting to know you game with Erin and AMarie. In second down we discuss OTAs and the UDFAs, and got to hear Erin’s perspective as an UDFA back in 2008. On third down, the guests share their opinion on Zimmer and the strengths of this years roster. We want to extend a sincere thanks for AMarie and Erin for joining us today. Listeners can find Erin on Twitter @that1guyerin and AMarie is on Twitter @Part_Time_Bro. Also go check out their podcast Asked & Answered, found on many podcast platforms.”

Indeed! Our sincere thanks to both Erin and AMarie. Check out their pod and find them on Twitter.

You can find TVG’s pod at various spots, Spreaker, iTunes, YouTube, and Spotify foremost among them. Happy listening!