Three Deep w/ Wobby – AJ Mansour stops by to chat the Falcons!

On the second episode of ‘Three Deep w/ Wobby’ a Minnesota Vikings Podcast, AJ Mansour of KFAN fame stops by to discuss the current state of the Minnesota Vikings, whether or not to hit the panic button or be frustrated by the Vikings’ start, whether or not the playoffs are out of reach and much, much more!

Each week, Joe Johnson and Wobby are joined by a special guest host and this week was no exception! Throughout the 2020-21 season we will have other guest hosts like Mike Tice, Chad Greenway, Nick Swardson, etc.

Like our other podcasts, Three Deep is brought to you by the fellas at Manscaped! Visit,, and use discount code: 3Deep for 20% off your order!

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The show account


Joe Johnson – @vtPTSD

AJ – AJkfan