purpleTERRITORYradio.com Announces FOUR NEW Podcast Partnerships!


My name is Joe Johnson and I’m the owner of purplePTSD.com/VikingsTerritory.com and purpleTERRITORYradio.com. It’s been brought to my attention that some of our partnerships are confusing at best and potentially perceived as “selling out” at worst (even though we’re promoting our own network and thus, promoting more free content for our followers to read/listen to/watch). So, with the amazing influx of new partnerships that we’re announcing in this article, I wanted to use this opportunity to explain what we’ve been up to and how it benefits our readers/followers!

Our network is comprised of the three sites listed above and between our over ten writers, we also work with sites/blogs like VikingsSpin and Purple Reign News. While we will shout out those services from time to time, the owners of those networks are either writing on our sites (purplePTSD.com/VikingsTerritory.com) or posting their podcast on our site, purpleTERRITORYradio.com.

That’s it!

Speaking of which, our goal with purpleTERRITORYradio.com is to create a one-stop site for all Vikings (and Minnesota centric) sports. Starting with the Vikings but some of the shows do branch off into other NFL teams, other Minnesota pro teams, Minnesota (and national) college teams and also Minnesota high school teams.

Currently purpleTERRITORYradio.com is home to shows like ‘Morning Joes’, ‘About the Labor’, ‘Vikings on the Clock’, ‘Hot Dish in the Fridge’, ‘Load the Box’ and more!

With the above goal in mind, we’ve recently partnered with four podcasts that we are listing below! Oh, and keep in mind that purpleTERRITORY radio, like purplePTSD.com and VikingsTerritory.com, is brought to you by Gray Duck Vodka! Gray Duck is coming up on its first anniversary and is owned by Chad Greenway!

Click Here to find a store near you that carries Gray Duck (in MN, ND, SD and IA) or to follow them on Twitter or Facebook!

1. Climbing the Pocket – Daily Draft Coverage

Climbing the Pocket is probably at least familiar to most of you reading this. We’ve had Jordan Reid (aka @JRdraftScout) on the purpleTERRITORY Radio family of podcasts multiple times over the years, especially around this time of year. Along with Jayson Brown, Myles Gorham and Yinka Ayinde, they comprise the Climbing the Pocket podcast family and website.

Check out TWO most recent episodes on purpleTERRITORYradio.com HERE.

2. KNSI Sports Radio (St. Cloud, MN)

KNSI Radio is an institution in St. Cloud, Minnesota, covering news, weather, and sports, it’s a go-to resource for communities around Central Minnesota. Justin Ekstrom records the KNSI Sports Podcast with his co-workers once a week and is also instrumental in the Northstar Podcast.

Click Here to view the most recent episodes of the KNSI Sports Podcast (one with special guest Al Newman of Twins fame)! They receive all of their Vikings news from our network of sites and we also sponsor their Vikings news section, so it’s a great relationship and way for us to expand outside of the metro area!

3. The Northstar Podcast

The Northstar Podcast is a show that includes the above-mentioned Justin Ekstrom. They can get a bit NSFW but are a great group of guys that cover all of the sports in the state of Minnesota.

Click Here to view the most recent episode!

4. The Scoop by KLGR Radio (Redwood Falls, MN)

The Scoop is an awesome podcast based out of KLGR Radio (1490 am/95.9 FM) in Redwood Minnesota. We have yet to post one of their most recent shows so check out their website to follow and find episodes, or stay tuned to purpleTERRITORYradio.com for more amazing shows with special guests from our network covering the Vikings news for the Scoop!

Coming Soon…

We are currently speaking with a couple other well known Vikings/Minnesota Sports related podcasts about joining the site and will keep you guys posted if and when that happens!

So, hopefully from now on when you see an announcement for a new partnership you’ll see that we’re bringing you more Vikings/Sports content and making it easier for you as well by having it all under one big(ger and bigger) roof!

As always your support is greatly appreciated! Follow purpleTERRITORYradio.com on Twitter, or add the site to your daily routine of sites you visit (at least until our app is live)!