Looking for Tickets to Sunday Night’s Game against the Seahawks? Good News!

If you’ve followed the purpleTERRITORY Content Network this past month you’ll have heard that we’re exclusively working with TicketClub.com this season to provide tickets to our followers! After years of working with different ticket providers and passing along discounts (and forgoing commission) to our readers, the number one feedback we received was that people were fed up with the typical 20% “convenience” fees that most ticket resellers have.
So, we looked for a service that didn’t have those fees and ended up working with the leader in membership-based ticket providers in TicketClub.com on a trial basis last season, expanding that partnership to a season-long exclusive one this season!
So, if you’re looking for tickets to the Seahawks game Sunday, or to a concert/play/event ANYWHERE we have some pretty great news and that’s that by using our discount code (SKOLptsd) you’ll be able to sign up for a FREE one-year PREMIUM Membership on TicketClub.com! Even if you’re “only” going to the game Sunday night, you’ll have 12-months of access to fee-free tickets across the country!
That’s a $50 value and from what we’ve been able to save internally, you’ll also end up saving hundreds of dollars (depending on the amount and kind of tickets you want) per purchase, as well!
Click the following link and enter the discount code SKOLptsd for that free 12-month Membership!
Oh, and have fun!