Finally! We Have MERCH!

Click HERE to Visit the Store!
As the Paul Brothers on YouTube make painfully clear every ten seconds or so, there is no God. Wait, I meant to say, a large part of running an online business is merchandise! We have toyed with the idea of a store for a while but we didn’t really have the audience to justify selling shirts with our logo(s) on them, although we do have some pretty nifty logos if I do say so myself.
So, the good news is that we’re not completely narcissistic in that we’re not simply selling shirts (hoodies, long sleeve shirts, Tees (with tanks coming soon!)) or other items (mugs, pillows, hats and pacemakers) with our logos on them! We have some pretty cool Duluth Eskimos products, for example. The Duluth Eskimos were a team that was originally called the Duluth Kelleys in the 1920’s and while both teams only lasted two seasons they were one of the first (and the northern-most) teams in the NFL.
Beyond that we also did bust out our take on the ‘Minneapolis Miracle’ shirts that most every self-respecting Vikings site has. A play on the Tecmo Bowl helmet shirts that people loved a few years ago, it’s a must own for every thirty something Vikings fan that grew up playing Tecmo Bowl.
We also have an AMAZING original design from Conner Wickland’s brother (Conner Wickland is one of the managing editors of purplePTSD and a writer for I think we may have found our new logo (and I may have found my first tattoo)!
We also have all sorts of shirts/hats/mugs/etc. with our logos on them for the purplePTSD/VikingsTerritory/purpleTERRITORY Radio super fan! Check those out a long with the rest of our merch store below or by clicking HERE!