Chad Greenway will be Signing Bottles of Gray Duck Vodka on Friday 10/4! [And We’re Sponsoring/Co-Hosting!]

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If you’ve been around the purpleTERRITORY Media Network (that’s and the past few months you’ll most likely have seen an article or two about our partnership with Gray Duck Vodka, the premiere Minnesota Vodka that happens to be owned by Vikings legend Chad Greenway.

We’ve covered a few events of theirs (like the recent world record-breaking game of Duck, Duck, GRAY DUCK) and tastings/bottle signings they’ve done in the four-state region (North and South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota).

The cool news is that we’ve decided to bring the relationship to the next level by sponsoring/co-hosting the next Gray Duck bottle signing on Friday, October 4th at McDonald’s Liquor and Wine in South Minneapolis (near Lake Nokomis on 51st street and 34th avenue)! Click Here to RSVP on Facebook!  on FB! If you don’t have a FB, you’ve made a great choice and you can comment below if you’d like to come (include the number of people in your party, please)!

That bottle signing will begin at 5pm and will also have some amazing Vikings memorabilia that you can bid on during a silent auction, courtesy of Total Sports Enterprises (check out their autographed Vikings memorabilia by clicking HERE), as well as a beer and wine tasting from a few different (mostly) local vendors!

We might be adding new partners for the event as well, but we promise that stopping by will be worth your while!

Please, please, PLEASE Click Here to RSVP on Facebook! 

Click Here for directions to McDonald’s Liquor! 

Click Here to find Gray Duck at a Liquor Store near you (in Iowa, North and South Dakota or Minnesota)! 

Click Here to Check out Total Sports Enterprises, as well!