Introducing…! As Part of the Launch former Vikes LB Chad Greenway will be on ‘Morning Joes’ at 9:30 this Morning!

It took some doing but we finally have launched the new site for our 12 different Vikings/NFL related podcasts/live “radio” shows/Video Shows (YouTube/Periscope),!

purpleTERRITORY Radio was launched before the 2018 season and is the brain-child of Tyler Haag, host of ‘Bleeding Purple’/’Hot Dish in the Fridge’/’The Water Cooler’ and more and Joe Johnson, owner of purplePTSD/VikingsTerritory and host of ‘Morning Joes’ and ‘The purpleHOURNAL Podcast’ as well as the Periscope show, ‘The Smoke Break’!

Tyler is the production manager for the site/network, so if you’d like to partner with the sites or add your show to the channel, you can contact him or me (Joe Johnson) through Twitter or email ([email protected]). Otherwise, we have 12 different shows currently that you can choose from, some are once a week while others are more sporadic!

To help get the word out about the new site, friend of the site Chad Greenway will be on ‘Morning Joes’ today/Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.! If you keep this window open the show will automatically start playing at or around 9:30!

Otherwise here’s where to click to learn more about and it’s shows! We wouldn’t have been able to create this network without your help, so we really appreciate the support and can’t wait to keep bringing you amazing content!