LINKS OF THE WEEK: Closer… Closer… Closer…

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I’m starting to get that “kid on Christmas morning” feeling as the 2015 NFL Draft is slowly sneaking up on us. I am as excited as anyone for Spielman Claus to put some new toys under little Mikey’s tree this year.

We have big festivities planned this year, with an NFL Draft Live Blog scheduled to cover every last trade and pick throughout Draft Weekend. I’ve even heard rumors that Vikings Territory will have boots on the ground at Winter Park and will be hosting some live reactions to all the action courtesy of the Purple FTW! Podcast.

Be sure to check back often for all the details, but you can certainly plan on making us your one-stop shop throughout Draft Weekend.

In the meantime, speculation season is in full swing, and tonight I’m taking a look around the web to see what everyone else is saying about the Vikings this time of year.