Vikes Say “Collapse Clause” Is A Non-Starter
The Vikings have a ton of questions facing them as they come out of their mid-season bye week preparing to beat the unbeaten Packers.
The biggest question of all, however, has nothing to do with Monday night’s game.
That, of course, is the question of whether or not the Vikings will continue to play football in Minnesota after this miserable season finally ends. The Star Tribune provided a glimmer of hope that the inevitable time in which a decision is finally made could be delayed up to a year due to a little known clause in the Metrodome lease agreement.
The clause apparently says that one year is to be added to the Metrodome lease should the facilities be damaged forcing the team to play a home game elsewhere. As we all know, the collapse of the Metrodome roof in 2010 caused the Vikings to host two games outside of their normal home.
Ted Mondale, Chairman of the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission, thinks that there is no possible way the Vikings are playing elsewhere in 2012.
The Vikings see it another way and responded without giving any specific details.
“We are secure in our legal position,” said the Vikings. “The Vikings lease expires after the 2011 season. It is not in the State’s or anyone’s best interest to look for any reason to further delay a stadium solution.”
We knew this fight was going to get ugly, but it looks like this will get very ugly and possibly need to go in front of a judge.