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| On 13 years ago

Links Of The Weekend: Stadium Euphoria

By Adam Warwas

Well, we all know what topic has dominated Vikings news this week, and we’ll get back to assessing the ongoing roster transformation soon, but in the meantime let’s highlight some of best articles available right now.  Most are stadium related, but I tried to find a good mix.

Adam Warwas

Adam Warwas (Founder) has been writing about the Vikings for a total of eight years. Five of those years have been here at Vikings Territory where he continues to surround himself with enough talented individuals that people keep coming back. As proud as he is of what Vikings Territory has become, his real treasures are in his home... a beautiful wife and three amazing children (and a dog named Percy).

Tags: christian ponder greg childs zygi wilf

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  • Adam,
    It is so Great to see the Viking are Home to stay!!! So nice not having that over our heads.
    It will fun watching the team rebuild KNOWING that the stadium will building along with them,,,